Dear Readers,
My blog is changing!
Hard to believe it has been over four years since I first became involved in real estate. This was a new career change for me. I enjoyed my time helping others achieve their buying and selling goals and I got to meet some interesting people along the way.
I loved real estate and created this blog specifically for real estate and tried to provide as much interesting information as I could to help home owners, renters and just about anyone interested in real estate make informed buying and selling decisions.
Unfortunately, the economy here in Alberta changed and with it, the real estate market. It became evident that it was no longer economically feasible for me to be involved in this industry.
Too much money, too much time and too little income made it seem that now, the time had come for me to move on. So, I decided to venture into something new. What that new is, I am not sure yet. But one certainty is that my blog will continue.
I will still write interesting articles from time to time, however, you will find that now, I will be spending more time writing about myself, my home, Alberta and the places I visit during my travels. Whether it is a simple day trip or a annual vacation, I will blog about my adventures and you will find those stories here, on this site.
Oh sure, from time to time I will continue to provide some real estate related information but just not as much as I previously had.
By changing the way I write my blog, I hope to introduce many of you to the many interesting places I visit and hope that you too, will one day visit Alberta. Who knows? Maybe our paths will cross and we'll meet! In the meantime, I hope you continue to follow my blog and share in my adventures.
In any case, it is fitting to say thank you to everyone who followed me and continues to follow me and I hope you will enjoy the new look of my blog and the new content I post. As always, your comments, suggestions and questions are welcomed and appreciated.
Take care and best wishes,
Valerie McConville
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