Selling a buying a home comes with a lot of emotional ups and downs. One that makes a frequent but unwelcome appearance is resentment.
Sometimes called the “silent killer,” resentment is largely the result of unaired grievances or poor communication. What may be in actuality a very small (and often mis-perceived offense) can be the seed from which a series of bad decisions arise— passive aggressive behavior, professional sabotage, and higher stress levels across the board.
Resentment can also become toxic between buyers and sellers. This is especially true during the negotiation process. This attitude is ultimately counterproductive to closing the sale. Rather than focusing on the terms and compromises at hand, parties can become entrenched in personal warfare. Successful negotiation means keeping resentment out of the picture.
One thing you can do to mitigate resentment is to take the high ground should perceived slights enter the picture. Don’t assume the worst. In fact, the antidote to poisonous resentment is forgiveness. As inspirational author Dan Zadra writes, “Resentment is one burden that is incompatible with your success. Always be the first to forgive; and forgive yourself first always.”
Keep an eye out for growing resentment on either side of the fence. Anything you can do to diffuse or manage resentment before it manifests itself will go a long way to securing your future success, be it a successful move or any venture in your life.
Wishing you all the best,
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