If you're like most folks who like to travel, you probably also need to travel on a budget. Traveling on a budget isn't impossible, but it does take some planning ahead and a little research to avoid wasting hard-earned dollars! Real travel bargains do exist. Contact an airline reservation agent or travel agent to determine the lowest possible fare. You can lower the cost of the airline ticket considerably by including a Saturday-night stay-over. Check with your travel agent about the many package deals available. Here are some other helpful hints to consider before you travel. If you have a particular destination in mind, research the attractions and accommodations beforehand. Also, find out what specials or discounts they may offer. If possible, plan your stay for the off-season . You can usually get better deals on plane tickets, hotels, admissions, etc. If you have friends or relatives nearby, consider asking if you can stay with them. Even though you...
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