Can a perfectly useful home “expire”? The answer
is yes. If you’ve never heard of “functional obsolescence,” now’s a good time
to familiarize yourself with the term.
Sometimes a perfectly nice home in fine shape simply won’t sell.
Fresh paint, fine curb appeal, a solid neighborhood… and no offers. Sellers are
baffled and irritated. “But I’ve been living in this home ten years! There’s
nothing wrong with it!”
Often the culprit is “functional obsolescence.”
Never heard of it? You’re not alone. Investopedia defines it this way: “A reduction
in the usefulness or desirability of an object because of an outdated design
feature, usually one that cannot be easily changed. The term is commonly used
in real estate, but has a wide application.”
Functional obsolescence can creep up on a home owner, as when a
built-in technological feature is no longer useful. Some homes in the 1970s and
80s had old solid-state intercom systems for communicating between rooms. What
was cutting edge then is a retro eyesore now. Built-in entertainment center
kiosks or furniture are also a good example of this.
Home owners can introduce functional obsolescence with poor
renovation choices. Renovations should always be made with an eye on the
possibility that a home will be sold down the line, but occasionally an owner
will ignore this. Take, for example, the massive kitchen renovation which takes
an unreasonable bite out of the living room.
Inconveniences an owner has put up with over the years can be
classified as functional obsolescence as well. If you have a second floor
without bathrooms or a bedroom which must be accessed by walking through
another bedroom? That’s a design flaw that can bite you when it’s time to sell.
Neighborhoods can introduce a degree of functional obsolescence as
well. When an smaller, older home on a large lot is dwarfed by modern homes
with more space, the home itself may lose appeal or value in buyers’ eyes.
If you’re thinking of selling or buying, you should be familiar
with the idea of functional obsolescence. Either you’ll want to eliminate the
problem or you’ll need to realize the problem will be an issue for you should
you choose to sell one day.
I can help buyers and sellers see homes with an objective perspective. If you're curious about where your home fits in this market, contact a REALTOR® today.
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