Find yourself too tired to tackle those personal projects at night? Always fighting fires during the day instead of working on what matters? Here’s some help on how (and why!) to become a morning person. How to Become a Morning Person When you are your business, being a morning person gives you a big advantage in life. Mornings are super productive times for me, but you don’t have to be in real estate to reap the benefits. Mornings also set the tone for the day. You feel great knowing you’ve paid yourself first... there’s no procrastination guilt. If you’ve ever suspected you’re squandering your time at night, just keep a time journal. Write down how you spent your hours. That alone might motivate you to make a change! You have way more willpower in the morning. During the day, exercising your willpower wears it out. By the time night rolls around, how often are you charged up to get down to work on your next big project? ...
Valuable information for you, your family, your home and garden.