Sweating an upcoming home inspection?
Here are
six tips that will make your home inspector happy and save time and money in
the process.
wants a smooth home inspection. Sellers, buyers, agents... everyone’s rooting
that this high-stakes moment passes without a hitch. Add to that list the home
inspector, too! Save time, save money. If you’re selling, there are things you
can do to make the home inspector’s job easier and help ensure the most
accurate report possible.
1. Declutter your appliances. Get the pots off the stove, remove pans stored in the oven, take
that bowl out of the microwave, and check the washer and dryer bins for
clothes. While all of these appliances need to be tested, you don’t want an
inspector rummaging through your laundry or scorching a pot to get the job
2. Replace burned-out lightbulbs. If a light switch doesn’t work, the inspector will need to
determine if it’s a problem with the fixture itself. Take the time to hunt down
those lightbulbs that might be out-of-the way, too... (Closets, attics, basements,
guest rooms, etc.)
3. Keep access doors clear.
You might have furniture blocking seldom-used crawlspace entrances, or the
space for the pull-down stairs up to the attic may be obstructed. Make these
entryways clear to the inspector and save them the time and hassle of getting
into hidden areas.
4. Be honest about what doesn’t work. Don’t deceive your home inspector or hope they’ll
overlook something. It’s bound to come out, and failure to disclose home
defects can be a legal hassle down the line. Know the garbage disposal is
broken? Say so. Leave notes for the inspector or prepare them in advance with
an email message, etc.
5. Point out pumps and septic tank locations. If you have your own well and septic system, make
sure the location of these is clearly described for the inspector. Annotate a
photo or draw a simple map if need be.
6. Check your smoke detectors. People forget to change batteries in smoke detectors, and if you’ve
neglected yours (or taken them down to change batteries and left them in the
garage!) double-check to make sure they’re in place and functioning.
Naturally, this list
assumes you’ve made any pre-inspection repairs you want to address. Want a more
information about the home inspection process? Get in touch with me today: valeriemcconville@gmail.com.
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