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Showing posts from April, 2014


I thought I’d share this simple exercise that helps me maintain a positive outlook every day. If you find yourself feeling overwhelmed or stressed, try it out and see if it improves your view, too. "Most human beings have an almost infinite capacity for taking things for granted." -Aldous Huxley, (1894 - 1963) English writer Do you have a practice for dealing with daily stress? I thought I’d share a simple and surprisingly effective exercise you can do each day that will not only boost your spirits, but lighten the perceived burden of “the daily grind.” No running shoes required! You can do it without breaking a sweat, right from the comfort of your car, your desk, or even the line at Starbucks. It sounds simple, but it’s quite powerful: Each day, think of five things you're grateful for. They don't have to be big things. In fact, it's great to start with the little things. It helps get you in the flow. Start with one or two basic t


Do you dream of owning a second home? More and more people are turning to second homes for a variety of personal and financial reasons.  Here are a few things you’ll want to consider to inform your second home strategy. If you’ve ever dreamed of owning a second home, it’s never too early to begin planning how to make that dream a reality. Whether you’re ready to buy now or think it may be a little while before you make the move, there are several key considerations that will inform your “second home strategy.” 1. Identify why you want a second home. What role will this second home play in your life? Is it designed to be a family retreat? Are you hoping to supplement your income with a cash-flow positive rental? Is your second home going to be a retirement destination? It could be all three, of course, but you’ll want to understand the unique requirements each situation dictates. This will include location, tax impact, and the home’s amenities. 2. Begin with your locati


The roof is the one thing between your home and the elements... doesn’t it deserve a little respect?  Here are some roof maintenance tips to preserve your home’s value. Ah, the humble roof. We forget that the single most important structural element in our home is the roof. It provides shelter for those we love and the things we value. It’s easy to let maintenance slide on something we take for granted. With better weather days upon us, now is a good time to inspect the roof and make sure it’s up to the task of protecting your home’s value. Here are some crucial elements you’ll want to look for during a roof inspection: Are the gutters clean and in good shape? Organic debris building up in your gutters can cause water to pool and foster an environment for roof rot. Do you see any curling around the bottom edges? Are there any gaps or holes in the soffit? Are there surface cracks in shingles? Cracks warn you of impending disintegration or separati


An earnest money deposit, also known as a good faith deposit, is a specific dollar amount that a potential buyer pays to the seller in an effort to display their serious interest in a property.  It's important to note that an earnest money deposit is not the same as a down payment. The Purpose Of An Earnest Money Deposit An earnest money deposit is used to secure a purchase contract, which means the buyer doesn't have to worry about the property being sold out from underneath them.  Without an agreement, the seller would be free to sell the home at anytime.  An earnest money deposit, however, secures the availability of the home as the potential buyer obtains an inspection, appraisal and financing for the purchase. How Much Good Faith Is Enough So, just how much of an earnest money deposit is required?  Truthfully, it depends on a number of factors, including the home's purchase price, your location and the standard as set by other sellers.  In most


I just want to wish you a very blessed Easter holiday.  I hope that you have time to draw close to family and friends and to reflect on the rich symbolism of this special time of year.   Easter means many things to many people.  To Christians the day celebrates the resurrection of Jesus Christ and promises hope of a new life for believers. Some historians place the holiday long before the birth of Christ and claim that the early church merely preempted an ancient pagan holiday that welcomed the new birth of spring and honored the goddess of the moon.  Go figure. To our children Easter is the season of the Easter bunny and egg hunts.  But whatever view you take you can't escape the fact that Easter represents new beginnings and fresh starts.  I hope that this Easter you are filled with the hope of a new day and the promise of a new life. And what would Easter be without glazed ham?  Here is my favorite recipe.  I hope you enjoy it! Grandma's Easter Ham


You have garbage cans all across your house, but what about recycling cans? Here’s a simple trick to be more mindful about being green. Recycling is now the norm in communities, but as widespread as the environmental trend is, there are still opportunities to improve the amount we recycle. While recycling is not only good for the planet and helps us reuse materials which would otherwise end up in a landfill, it’s also good for the economy. According to the Tellus Institute, a research and action group for a global civilization of sustainability, equity, and well-being, improving the U.S. recycling rate from 33% to 75% would create 1.5 million new jobs. While traditional waste disposal generates 0.1 jobs per 1,000 tons of landfill, recycling generates 2 jobs for every 1,000 tons! (You can learn more about the Tellus Institute here: ) Here’s a quick life hack to increase the amount you recycle in your home: Put a smaller garbage can in your bathroom a


When you’re looking for a new home, you want to find one in a great  neighbourhood – or, at least, in a neighbourhood that is on the upswing.  How can you tell if a particular area is improving? Here are some common indicators: Pride of ownership . Take a walk around the neighbourhood. Do you get a sense that people take good care of their homes? Are the lawns mowed? Is the landscaping trimmed? Are flowers planted? Home owners are more likely to look after their properties when they like where they are living. Home improvements . Are people investing in their homes? Are they  getting their driveways re-done? Their windows replaced? Are there signs of home improvement projects? If so, this is a clear indication that home owners like the area enough to invest in their properties. Real estate sales activity . Do homes tend to sell quickly in the area? Do they sell for a good price? If so, the neighbourhood is probably in demand. If people want to live there, it's


With Spring upon us, it is time to start thinking about your garden. Interested in lowering your garden bills while creating a more sustainable, wildlife-friendly environment? Consider native plant gardens. Homeowners all over North America are looking for ways to make their gardens sustainable and ecologically friendly. For those looking to save time, water, and money, the growing trend of “native plant” gardens is increasingly popular. Native plants are those plants indigenous to your particular region. Unlike non-native species, native plants have an evolutionary advantage: They’re used to the soil, climate, rainfall averages, and availability of pollinating insects and seed dispersing animals. Typically the require a lot less water and attention. As a result, they tend to survive well and require less maintenance (and seasonal replacement). Native gardens also attract native wildlife and provide vital natural habitats for animals whose green space has been displa


Sweating an upcoming home inspection?  Here are six tips that will make your home inspector happy and save time and money in the process. Everyone wants a smooth home inspection. Sellers, buyers, agents... everyone’s rooting that this high-stakes moment passes without a hitch. Add to that list the home inspector, too! Save time, save money. If you’re selling, there are things you can do to make the home inspector’s job easier and help ensure the most accurate report possible. 1. Declutter your appliances. Get the pots off the stove, remove pans stored in the oven, take that bowl out of the microwave, and check the washer and dryer bins for clothes. While all of these appliances need to be tested, you don’t want an inspector rummaging through your laundry or scorching a pot to get the job done. 2. Replace burned-out lightbulbs. If a light switch doesn’t work, the inspector will need to determine if it’s a problem with the fixture itself. Take the time to hunt down t