(Family Features) If there’s one thing parents know, it’s children thrive on routines. When it seems like everything is changing, routines can create stability. “When children know what to expect, they don’t feel powerless and out of control,” said Rashelle Chase from KinderCare Learning Centers’ education team. “Children like to plan just as much as adults do. When they know what will happen next, they can set their expectations.” Routines can also help children regulate their emotions – and avoid meltdowns or outbursts – because their days follow a pattern and are predictable. There’s typically a sense of comfort in knowing what comes next. Whether your child’s back-to-school routine includes actually going to school or distance learning, consider these tips to help create a sense of stability. Set a schedule Talk with your child about his or her school day and how it will be different. Work together to come up with ways you can both ease into the new routine, whether your c...