To my American Friends, With Thanksgiving nearly here, Iʼm reminded of the tradition many families share in which each member around the table expresses something theyʼre deeply thankful for in their lives. (Truth be told, itʼs probably one we should practice every day.) While I wonʼt be celebrating as I am Canadian and we already had our Thanksgiving holiday, I would like to share with you my gratitude for your support. The scholar W.T. Purkiser once said, “Itʼs not what we say about our blessings, but how we use them, that is the true measure of our thanksgiving.” It is all about our service to others. I am grateful for many of you who continue to read my blog, and hope I am able to serve you and your family for years to come. May your Thanksgiving Holiday be a special one. With gratitude, Valerie McConville