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Showing posts from November, 2017


Bluetooth offers great wireless convenience for your smartphone, allowing you to connect to your headphones, car stereo, wireless speaker, and other devices without dealing with a tangle of cords and wires. However, most of us aren’t careful enough when it comes to Bluetooth security. As a general rule, you should turn Bluetooth off on your phone whenever you’re not connected to a device. Forgetting to turn it off will reduce your battery life because it continues to drain power even when there’s no device connected. But, there are even more serious concerns than that. New hacker technologies, called “Blueborne” can scan for open Bluetooth connections and gain access to your device. Once a device has been hacked, it can then be used to gain access to additional devices. It’s not limited to one manufacturer either. Samsung, Google, Apple, and several car audio systems have all shown vulnerabilities. So as a best practice, follow these two tips: 1. Keep you


Is there a home maintenance project that’s been lingering on your to-do list for too long because you’re dreading the trip to the hardware or craft store? There are some projects you can tackle with items that are almost certainly already in your home. 1. Vinegar: There’s probably a jug of vinegar in your pantry right now. You can soak items in vinegar to remove mineral deposits (like in a clogged showerhead), and you can boil vinegar in your microwave to remove odors and make it easier to clean. 2. Cola: A can of Coke or Pepsi can be used to clean many surfaces, including your glass windows, porcelain toilet, or chrome fixtures. Just do some research before using it on metal surfaces, as it can be corrosive. 3. Baking soda: This item may actually be more useful for applications other than baking. A baking soda-vinegar paste is great for cleaning bathrooms and kitchens. Baking soda can also be used to absorb odors. 4. Butter knife: Screwdrivers are easy to misplace. If


TO MY AMERICAN FRIENDS, Here we are again in the season of holiday traditions. We travel. We gather. We see those we haven’t seen in ages as well as those we see every day. We take time to remember the ones who could not make the trip, and honor the memory of those who we will never see again. It is not always easy. We have different values and different politics. Our views do not always align, and at times they clash. And yet we almost always find a way to make it through a  meal with love, forbearance, and a reminder to hold tight to what we share, not the least of which is the commonality of our basic humanity. It goes to show there is profound power when we get around the table to see one another. When we meet eye-to-eye and pass the plates around, we reinforce the bonds which matter the most. I know it is not always possible. Sometimes loved ones serve abroad. Sometimes hardship and tragedy prevent us from joining together. If this is the case fo


Does the thought of cleaning the kitchen after your Thanksgiving dinner loom large, casting a shadow over your celebration? Here are some tips for easing the burden! Thanksgiving is a perfect holiday to showcase your home. Every room in the house is part of the entertainment, from the warmth of the kitchen to the elegance of the dining room. There’s nothing quite like hosting your first Thanksgiving.  Unfortunately, there’s nothing quite like cleaning up the mess which accompanies a Thanksgiving meal. From crusty roasting pans to a dozen side dishes, the feat of restoring your kitchen to its gleaming glory can take longer than preparing the food! (And let’s not forget… those guests will be much less eager to help once the turkey and pie put them out on the couch dozing.) Don’t dread the aftermath… prepare yourself with these clutch ideas for a quicker clean up! 1 . Clear your refrigerator. There will be leftovers… will you hav


Use these tips to decrease your energy bills and stay warm for the holidays. Use the sun.  Open the curtains during the day to heat your house naturally. Rearrange furniture.  Move furniture away from exterior walls to avoid sitting in drafts. Use fabrics.  Cover hardwood floors with area rugs to reduce chill. Use throw blankets and wear warm clothing rather than turning up the heater. Seal out the cold.  Check and repair sealant around windows, doors, chimneys and air vents to prevent cold air from seeping indoors. Become water-efficient.  Turn down the temperature on your water heater. Do as much laundry as possible in cold water. Take short showers. Disconnect.  Unplug any electronic devices or utilities when you’re not using them. Electronics still use energy when plugged in, even if they’re turned off. Deck the halls.  Use LED lights to decorate. They are more energy-efficient and will cost less for your holiday cheer. Reduce temperatures.  Program y


Today marks the start of Veterans' Week both in Canada and the United States. I am sure that many of you know why November is so significant. On the 11th hour of the 11th day of November in 1918, World War One ended. Arguably the most terrible war the modern world had witnessed to date was finally over. Few souls on Earth went untouched in some way by the war. So many served, so many died, and so many took the scars of their experience home with them and did their best to get on with life. All had hoped there would never be cause for such sacrifice in the future. Of course we know the call came again and again. And despite full knowledge of the challenges, horrors, and heartbreaking losses, brave men and women answered the call. They have done so because they accept what it means to serve and defend our most deeply held shared values.   This upcoming  Veterans Day / Remembrance Day  I hope you will join me in a spirit of gratitude for veterans everywhere. I believ