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Showing posts from July, 2016


Setting the right list price for a home is a mystery for many sellers. How do you begin to determine what buyers are likely to pay for your property? After all, no two homes are exactly alike. Yet, setting the right price is crucial. You need to avoid the two price “tipping points” that, if crossed, can cause you a lot of problems. The first tipping point is a price that’s low enough for buyers to begin thinking something is wrong. They wonder, “Why is your price so low? What are you not telling us about your property?” But that’s not even the worst problem with this tipping point. If you do get offers at that low price, you’ll have a bigger issue – leaving thousands of dollars on the table. The other tipping point is setting your price so high it discourages buyers from giving your listing a second look. When your price is that high, you’ll get few enquiries and even fewer people coming to see your property. Of course, you can lower your price later, if necessar


Sometimes a tree needs to be removed, so how do you go about the task? In this article I discuss some tips on how to handle a troublesome tree. If you have a troublesome tree on your property, dealing with it responsibly, economically, and safely is important. While you may own a chainsaw, tackling the project yourself can be extremely risky. Here are some questions to ask and tips for tree removal: 1. Make sure you need to remove it. Mature trees are good for property value. Before you go clear-cutting your property, be absolutely sure removing it is the right move. A certified arborist can help you make the decision between removal or sensible trimming. 2. Don’t do it yourself. What if the tree falls on your house? What if it lands on your neighbor’s car? What if you get crushed? Are you experienced enough with a chainsaw to handle it without injuring yourself? Hire a pro. 3. Hire a certified company. This means someone certified by the International Society of


Owning a few crucial items can make you happier, safer, and handier while living in your new home. Check out this list of must-have items for new homeowners. While you may not be a big Do-It-Yourselfer when it comes to home repair and renovation, there are some must-have items for your home which can make you happier, safer, and a little bit handier. An informal survey of new homeowners I’ve worked with has revealed the following items to be among the most important when it comes to adding convenience and piece-of-mind to the home ownership experience. You may already have some of these items, but when you move, the old versions may not quite meet the needs of your new space. Check out this list and see what you might need to add or update before you move: 1. Fire extinguisher. The kitchen sink spray hose or a bucket of water isn’t enough to put out a fire before it gets out of control. Do yourself a favor and refresh your fire extinguisher. Having multip


So you’ve just moved to a neighborhood you love, but you don’t know the neighbors. No problem! In this blog post I share some tried-and-true tips for connecting with the neighborhood. If you’ve recently relocated to a new neighborhood, you may find yourself struggling to break the ice with your neighbors. It can be a little daunting to just knock on doors unannounced, and in today’s day of texting and “connections at a distance” could be considered outright rude. Still, neighborhoods are only as good as their neighbors. In a world where so many people recognize neighborhood cars over the faces of people who live around us, there's a lot to be said for making an effort to connect with the people who live up and down the block. So how do you make those first few casual connections which lead to meaningful bonds? Here are some tips for forming new connections with your neighbors: 1. Throw a "move in" garage sale. Yes, most people have garage sales before t