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Showing posts from May, 2016


Real estate transactions are often the target of sophisticated fraud schemes. Recently the National Association of Realtors released an alert concerning a wire fraud scam involving real estate professionals and their clients.  Protect yourself! Real estate transactions routinely involve the transfer of large sums of money, typically through wire transfers. Given the electronic nature of these transactions, they are somewhat susceptible to fraud. The loss of funds and the dream of homeownership for a buyer or seller can be absolutely devastating. Recently the National Association of Realtors(R) issued a warning about a sophisticated wire fraud scam. According to this article on the NAR website: :  “Criminals are hacking into the email accounts of real estate agents or other persons involved in a real estate transaction and using information gained from the hack to


Comedian George Carlin’s most memorable routine was, “A place for my stuff.” In it, he talked about dealing with the increasing quantity of items we accumulate throughout life. George was funny. The problem is not. Here are some low-cost ideas for quickly creating storage space for your stuff. Attach a cloth pouch or thin plastic basket to the inside of cupboard doors. This is a great way to store Tupperware lids, cosmetics, etc.  Install hooks inside the foyer closet for loose items such as hats and scarfs.  Use egg cartons to make effective storage inserts in drawers.  Fashion stores often put purchases in stiff, high-quality boxes. Placed on their sides, these make effective storage compartments. (Especially shoeboxes.)  Consider using suitcases for out-of-season clothing. In addition to storage, they also provide protection.  Never throw out an old wine rack. There are numerous ways these can be used for storage. (Example: for tools.) By thinking


Are you thinking about renovating a room in your home? Visualizing what you really want can be a challenge, but fortunately there are online resources to make the process fun and organized. Home renovation projects are a great way to fall in love again with a home you own, or make upgrades buyers will pay top dollar for when the time comes to sell. Redoing a kitchen or bathroom can make a huge difference in how much you enjoy a space. But how do you know what you really want? Are you aware of how much is out there in terms of modern home design? Searching for inspiration online is a good place to start. While you can haphazardly click from blog to blog, there are some easy-to-use tools to help introduce you to design options and help you organize your project. First and foremost, if you’re not on, go sign up for a free account. (You can even use your Facebook login to create an account in under a minute.) Pinterest isn’t specifically about ho


Imagine if you dreamed of owning a special limited edition vehicle. What would you do to ensure that your dream vehicle would someday be parked in your driveway — with your name on the ownership papers?  You would probably start by doing some research. You’d find out how much that vehicle would cost, what features are available, and so forth. You would likely visit a local dealership and take a test drive if a model is available on site. You would keep an eye on the market for any that come up and let the dealer know you’re looking for just that car.  If you did, then, some day, you’d probably be the proud owner of the limited edition car of your dreams.  What does this have to do with real estate?  Well, you can take the same approach when there’s a neighbourhood you’d love to live in someday. You can target it, learn what homes typically cost in that area, and keep your eye on that market in case a property becomes available that meets your criteria.  By focusi


When you’re about to put your hard-earned money into a home, you want to know everything you can about that home’s history. These questions can help you get to the bottom of potential pitfalls. When you’re about to put your hard-earned money into a home, you want to know everything you can about that home’s history. While there are common questions to ask about a home’s condition, history, and location, there are some questions buyers often overlook.  Don’t rely on sellers to volunteer this information. In some cases, they may not even know the answers for themselves. Protect your potential investment. These questions can help you get to the bottom of potential pitfalls: 1. Have you ever had asbestos removed from the home? Old heating ducts, ceilings, and even certain types of flooring can contain asbestos. If they’ve had asbestos removed, follow-up with how it was removed. Was it their uncle Joe hacking away at it, or did they have professional help?  2. Has there