You've gone to countless open houses, searched online for months, and have finally found the house of your dreams, but before signing your name on the dotted line there are a few key steps you should not overlook. When purchasing a home, hiring the right home inspector can be the most important decision you make. Knowing the condition of the house you are going to purchase cannot be left to appearances or promises, and some undetected problems can be even more costly than the price of the house itself. Making sure you have the services of a home inspector who knows what he or she is doing can prevent what should be a great investment from becoming a financial disaster. So what steps can you take to be sure your home inspector is qualified? Here are a few things to consider. How Long Have They Been In The Business, And What Is Their Professional Background? The housing market has steadily increased over the last sever...
Valuable information for you, your family, your home and garden.