Summertime is coming to an end and there are early signs of fall. It's time to put away our summer clothes! Turn off the air conditioner! Perhaps one last chance to use the barbeque. For most of us, Labor Day signals the waning of summer. Have you ever wondered how we came to celebrate a holiday with the odd name of Labor Day? Someone always asks, “Why is it called Labor Day when nobody labors on that day?” While there is some disagreement regarding the original founder of Labor Day, we know that the first Labor Day parade was held by the Central Labor Union, September 5, 1882, in New York City. Common laborers were lobbying for recognition and appreciation for their long days and hard work (back then they received little pay and even less thanks). Over the next decade unions in other states began to adopt the day as a day of celebration and recognition of the contributions of the common laborer. Finally on June 28, 1894, Congr...
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